Archive | July, 2015


28 Jul

Hey all,

Not sure if i have ever mentioned, but i have been plus size almost my whole life. It did not matter how much sports i did, i remembered my mum made me go for swimming, tennis and ballet lessons almost daily, and i still got comments on how fat i was ever since i was a kid. As i grew older, eating habits got worse, and of course, with my parents unable to force me into exercising, i simply ballooned right up.

Even till today, i still struggle with my weight. It is not exactly hard for me to get the weight down. As the secret is simple, eat right and exercise. The problem i have is the yoyo. I can lose 10 kg within 3 months, and gain back the 10kg in the following month. Anyways, that is the problem i am facing now, though i am determined to fight my way through that.

What i wanted to share with you today though, is a realisation. For most of my life, i’ve always been called fat. So in my head, whenever i look into the mirror, i see an obese fat person. But is that really what you look like? Are you simply being harsh on yourself? We are always the worse kind of judge to ourselves, we tend to be more lenient to others, which was why i thought

was such a great discovery.

1) It made me realise that not all bodies are the same. Someone with my exact height and exact weight can look extremely different.

2) It made me more aware of what a Size 16-18 person looks like. So i can readjust that image in my head

3) The best part is! It gave me motivation, as it gave me a preview to how my body would change/ look like, with every 10 pounds (4-5kg) i lose.

I visit the site often, whenever i need encouragement. I went from a 100KG to 85KG, i know i still have a long way to go, but when i go to the site, and see the size difference between 100KG and 85KG, it makes me feel accomplished.

PS: The Girls/ Guys who put the photos up there, have all my respect. Thank you for posting your photos and giving others like me motivation and inspiration!

Till then!


Bioderma Sebium H2O Purifying Cleansing Micelle Solution

23 Jul

Hey all,

Selamat Idul Fitri 1436 H!

Though the holiday has just ended, i find myself already missing my late night in and my movie marathons. Oh laziness, when would you leave me.

Anyways today lets talk about something that i have been loving! I am actually almost done with my bottle, and i did not realise how much i loved it, until i felt a sense of loss when i saw how little i am left with. As a hobby, i love buying new brands and new products, i try and avoid getting the same item as i believe that there are just that many products in this world, and who knows what is good or not unless we try it all right? But i liked this so much that the thoughts of repurchasing it has been lingering around my mind for a few days now.


For those of you who are unsure of what this is, The Bioderma Sebium H2O Purifying Cleansing Micelle Solution is a type of Micellar water which is a skincare product that removes makeup and cleanses the skin, without the need for rinsing. I was told it was somewhat like the marriage of a toner and a make up remover. A one step skincare for toning, washing the face and removing your make up. There are alot of different brands and type of Micellar water in the market now, but from my knowledge, Bioderma was the one that i saw hit the market and get really popular first.

According to the Bioderma website

  • Sébium H2O is the 1st specific make-up removing micellar water for combination or oily skin that mimics the natural composition of the skin for perfect make-up removal and total respect for even the most sensitive skin.
  • Thanks to the Fluidactiv® patented sebo-correcting complex, it biologically regulates sebum quality to keep the pores from becoming clogged and clear up the skin.
  • Enriched with purifying agents, zinc gluconate and copper sulphate, Sébium H2O purifies the skin and limits sebaceous secretion.

I have been using Bioderma Sebium H2O Purifying Cleansing Micelle Solution for almost 3 months now, as i do not use make up daily, i did not use the Bioderma Sebium H2O Purifying Cleansing Micelle Solution daily. However when i did use it, i did realise it did a decent job of cleaning away MOST of my make up. They were unable to stand true to the claim that they are able to remove even waterproof make up, in fact, even regular mascara needed alot of tugging and rubbing to get off. Face make up wise however, it did a decent job. It took a few cotton pads to clean all the make up off completely ( i have to admit it took alot more effort than i would prefer) , but i liked how clean it made my skin feel after. There is no need to wash your face or use a separate toner, extremely convenient for those lazy nights. I also understand that this product was made for oily and combination skin. Being plagued with combination skin, i found this way too drying, even on my T-zone. I would use it when my face is crazy oily though. Highly reccomended for oily skin, This baby will keep your skin oil free for a good few hours.

So far, the review does not make the product sound too appealing, am i right? So why do i love this product so much? This might sound crazy ironic, but i love how drying it is. What do i mean? If you are looking to buy The Bioderma Sebium H2O Purifying Cleansing Micelle Solution as a make up remover, i would say, forget it. There are ,i believe, a ton of better choices out there. HOWEVER, if you are planning to use this as a pimple/ acne clearing solution, this is golden. What i like to do is, whenever i have a big zit ( i use it on my black heads too), i pour a good amount of Bioderma Sebium H2O Purifying Cleansing Micelle Solution unto a cotton pad, and stick it on my face. I let it sit for a few minutes and when i remove the Bioderma Sebium H2O Purifying Cleansing Micelle Solution soaked cotton pad, BOOM! My big pus filled it is magically gone! It is just pretty amazing! I think the magic lies in how the Micellar water acts a magnet in picking up stubborn sebum and dissolving away dirt. Simply fascinating!

Though it is sad to see the last few drops of my Bioderma Sebium H2O Purifying Cleansing Micelle Solution go, i am pretty proud of myself and glad that for once in a really long time, i finally finished using up a product.

Till then!


Vionic Shoes

7 Jul


So for the first time, lets talk about something other than make up!!

Just a short introduction on one of my hobbies.  i LOVE playing tennis. And those who do not play, then you will not understand how little blisters can form around your fingers, palms and on your whole foot basically. Not to mention how your arms will hurt like a bitch and how easy it is to sprain your ankles from all the sprinting, gliding, sliding and what not.

For me though, none for that posed too big of a trouble. At least not big enough for me to ever want to stop playing. The issue was back pain! I am not sure if my back was hurting from other reasons, but everytime i played, it would hurt so bad! I had to go to a chiropractor and a physiotherapist. (FYI, if any of you lovelies have any aches or pain and you had to choose either one or the other, please go to a physiotherapist, i think they helped me handle the pain better) Anyways, my back was hurting to the point where i was not able to carry my handbags, and had to use a backpack. On top of that, my knee started to feel wonky. I am not sure if the pain from the back, causing me to put more pressure on one side of my leg, but either ways, things were going down fast.

After going to the physiotherapist a few times, i felt so much better, i still had to give up tennis for a few years, but i could go about the daily stuff with no problem whatsoever. Now i play tennis once a while, and gym almost daily. The pain still comes once a while, but mostly tolerable.

During my most recent trip to Singapore though, my mum was looking for new shoes to buy, and while shopping, we heard this lady RAVING ON about how great her shoes were. How she used to have extreme back pain and these shoes saved her. So being the sucker that i always was, i bought it, and 3 months later, here i am, raving to you guys how much these shoes are awesome!!!

For you guys who have never heard of Vionic Shoes, check this out!

If you are suffering from extreme pains, i suggest you see a doctor first. But for me, i really love my Vionic Shoes as i can feel a real difference. In the past when i wore my normal shoes (sports shoes included), my feet ALWAYS felt sore after a long day of walking or standing. But with Vionic shoes, i never really had that problem. I do feel as though my feet is well supported, and i am even buying their shoe insoles so i would not have to throw away ALL my other shoes.

Those of you who have jobs that require you to stand or walk alot, try this out! They sell it in Singapore (lucky Singaporeans!), in the States and also i think they will be opening a shop in United Kingdom soon.

As for me, online shopping is the only way to go

Till then!