Archive | August, 2015

Glam Glow ThirstyMud Hydrating Treatment

27 Aug

Hey all

Alright, This has got to be the best find i’ve gotten my hands on this year! YES, THIS YEAR. In fact…. maybe the best find in this past 2 years.

YES, It is that amazing!!!

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First, i find the box that it came with, beau-tiful. It just looks so expensive and pretty! I got it from

and i would say they did a wonderful job in packing it. It arrived with the bubble wrap, and though it was a slight bitch to open, i thought it was great, as i can be assured that my purchases wont break.

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The thing that got me to buy the product in the first place was not only their moisturising properties, but their CALMING properties. They claim to both hydrate and calm your skin, and though i cannot say much about their moisturising properties (I have combination skin, normal to oily, so i do not know how it will fair if i have dry skin) but they did calm all the redness and the little blemishes i had on my face. It was a miracle in a jar! i could not believe how all my outbreak of tiny tiny pimples all disappeared in a night! Not even my paulaschoice resist anti-aging clear skin hydrator had this effect when i used it the previous day. Just better then fantastic.

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Did i mention how dream like it smells? It may look like a dirty brown in the jar, but when applied to the face, it goes on clear. It smells like coconuts and vanilla. Oh sooo good. It is not EXTREMELY thick, it has the texture of a creamy moisturiser, but i will not be able to use it as a day time moisturiser. Especially not in this heat, Although it does dry eventually, it still is alittle sticky. So girls with long hair, this may stick to your face alittle. The packaging is also abit of a turn off. After being a loyal fan and follower to Paulas Choice products, i’ve learnt the importance of packaging. And Jar packaging is the worse! Not only will it be contaminated, the effectiveness of the product will also more quickly deteriorate due to the exposure.

All in all, I LOVE IT! i am tempted to buy more of the glamglow series! Have you tried any of the GlamGlow Series? What do you think of them?

Till Then


The Scam Of World Language Academy (WLA) BayWalk

18 Aug

Hey all,

i try my best to remove all negativity from my life, but for the last week, i came across a school that i honestly felt, people should know about.

In indonesia right now, there is a current ‘language center’ trend. That means, these centers operate like a gym, where they have different classes/languages going on at the same time. And at a single monthly price, you can attend any or all of these classes. Sounds plenty great right?

Not for me. Not for my friends. Not for too many people.

But for now, i simply want to share my little experience with a School called World Language Academy (WLA) in BayWalk Mall. logo wla

  1. When you first register for the school, they give you a dream like vision of what the school and classes will be like. They promised classes DAILY, and they promised ALL levels would be excepted. I told them clearly that i was going to be placed in Advance class for a few languages, and they assured me that even if i was the ONLY student, class would still go on as scheduled. They said classes would be fully operational from 10am to 9.30pm DAILY. So i can come by after work and still attend classes.
  2. They PROMISED that ALL the teachers would be NATIVE SPEAKERS. That they have different levels / classes to cater to the different standards/ proficiency in the language the student posses.

So first day of class and here are the problems/ issues i faced

  1. I went into Beginners Japanese class. ( the most basic class is Starters class) And they were teaching the most basic of basics. Hiragana and Katakana. When i asked the teacher about it, she mentioned ‘MAJORITY RULES’, meaning it matters not what class you are in. You can be in Advance class for all the school cares, but it the MAJORITY of the students in that class are starter level, YOU will be learning the basics
  2. Second class i went for was Korean Advance class. I was the only student, but as promised the class went on. This was when things started getting iffy. The next day, the HeadMaster of the School, MR Z, came to me and told me that as i was the only student in the advance class, he was going to cancel my class and give it to the beginners and starter classes. His EPIC reasoning was that I AS AN INDIVIDUAL should not be wasting my teachers and the schools time. Dear MR Z, Why did you accept me as a student if you didnt want me to study there?
  3. Third class i went for was French. This time i went to the STARTER class, and THANKFULLY, the majority of the students were also first timers. HOWEVER, they had one weird system going on. As i mentioned above, there are 3-6 levels. Starter. Beginer. Intermediate 1. Intermediate 2. Advance 1. Advance 2. However, the school does not give a crap WHEN you enter the class. Meaning, say for example i entered the school in August, and they put me in the starter class. 3 months later, a new student wants to join the school too and she is in starter class too. Both she and i would be in the same exact class. Does that make any sense to anyone? How can they put someone who has learnt the language for 3 months in the same class as someone who only learnt the language for 1 day?! Even though both may be in the ‘starter’ level! How ridiculous
  4. They do NOT operate from 10am t0 930pm. In fact for many of the languages, their last class is at 4pm. Which for a working adult like me, is an impossible task to attend.
  5. I wanted to take German and Mandarin too, but the HeadMaster says he needs 1-2 months for all the teachers to arrive and for his ‘supposed system’ to run properly. However this is a monthly membership. This means even though i have to PAY MONTHLY , i am UNABLE to get the lessons that i paid for.

Just FYI, all these payments are contract based. You are forced to sign a contract (2 months to 2 year) and are tied down by the contract no matter how ridiculously they run the school. A few of my friends and i tried to demand a refund as the classes were either

  1. Unavailable (Classes are often cancelled and changed for no good reason and no notice)
  2. All that was promised to us were not met or kept
  3. The teachers themselves have yet to arrive due to difficulties in processing the Visa

Did i mention that they were also RIDICULOUSLY rude? A school is supposed to care for their students education and benefit. This is not a school, this is a business. And they are out to squeeze every penny out of you.

All in all, i think this is a total and complete scam. Though this time i was unfortunate enough to have experienced this, i hope that no one else have to go through the same thing.

My Brother went through the same thing at Global Language, and after cheating so many people of their money, they closed down and ran away.

Dear people of Indonesia, please do not make the same mistakes as us, and check carefully the background, the teachers, the classes, the schedules and all the information you can before you sign up for these classes.

Till then!


Konjac Sponges

17 Aug

Hey all,

Ever since i started work at my current place, i’ve been exposed to a ridiculous amount of dirt and dust (I work for a manufacturing company). When ever i have to wash my face, it feels rather inadequate. Although my Clarisonic is fantastic, i feel as though using it daily might be a slight overkill for me. I wanted something softer, slighter gentler and alot cheaper!

Which is why i am glad to present to you….. Konjac Sponges!

I believe this originated from either Korea or Japan. In korea, people even make Konjac jelly and eat it as a form of Diet food. I was told it was 0 calories and really quite yummy if seasoned and made well.

Anyways, i believe that there are is a ton load of brands that sells Konjac Sponges now, but the 2 brands that i have tried, tested and liked are


Though i personally prefer the first one (Konjac sponge Company) over the second one (My Konjac Sponge). I believe both work perfectly great. The only difference is the ones from Konjac Sponge Company simply feels alot denser as it is alot smaller and rounder wherelse My konjac sponge as a larger surface area, so it feels slightly less dense and alittle more flimsy. I do think that both are made out of great quality, i never had any problems with either and both sponges would last me way over 1 month.

They recommend that we change the sponge every month, as there can be bacteria build up and all. But personally, until i see my sponge breaking apart, i really do not throw them away. But do not get me wrong, as a total clean freak, i clean and wash my sponges THROUGHLY each time. Every once in a while, i would even boil them to make sure they are squeaky clean.

Anyways, Both brands offer a variety of different sponges. The different colors normally represent the different types of ingredients infused together with the Konjac Sponges. You are supposedly able to use these sponges without any soap and still be able to cleanse all your pores. As i am allergic to Sulphur (most all soaps, shampoos and face wash have it), i did try out both the body sponge and the face sponge with out any soap, and i would say i am more than impressed. Not only did your skin feel clean, it also left the skin feeling smooth. The best part about it is, removing soap out of the equation means that your skin also does not feel as dry, as you are not using any harsh chemicals on your skin.

For those for you who cannot bear the thought of not using soap though, worry not. Though It was mentioned that they do not recommend using any soap with their konjac sponges. For the sake of it, i tested both brands out, with soap for 1 month each, and let me tell you, both brands held out well. By the end of the month, My konjac Sponge did feel alittle more worn down in compared to Konjac Sponge Company, but both sponges were still in great condition. You would probably be able to use both sponges for another 2 weeks or so.

In conclusion, i really LOVE these sponges. Especially in the morning, when a lack of time and laziness join forces. This is a simple way to wash your face and freshen up. I simply wet the sponge, and in circular motions clean my face. And if i feel like giving my whole body a nice wipe down, i simply the bigger sponge (or the same face sponge if i am extra super lazy) and give my whole body a wipe. It is simple, quick and feels bloody darn good. It is also relatively cheap in compared to a clarisonic.

1 Sponge = 50.000IDR – 200.000IDR ( Depending on type and size) Must be changed monthly

Clarisonic = 1.370.000IDR – 3.440.000IDR ( Device only Depending on type) Must change Brush head (373.000IDR) every 3 months

Means yearly Konjac Sponges would cost about 600.000IDR – 2.400.000IDR

Wherelse the Clarasonic would cost you the machine/device (1.370.000IDR – 3.440.000IDR ) plus an additional fee of 1.492.000IDR

I personally use both the sponges and the Clarisonic, dependant on my mood and what my skin is feeling. I highly recommend both. What about you? What have you tried? Are there any other good exfoliating products that you would like to recommend?

Till then!


Belif Almighty Sun Powder SPF50+ (PA +++)

10 Aug

Hey all,

Today i would like to talk another sunscreen product. I cannot emphasise how important it is to protect your skin against the sun. As technology gets more advance, more and more different variety are emerging. Different finishes, different textures and different types in general.

Most of us are accustomed to cream/ liquid sun protectant, but i found a really interesting product in singapore, and that is The Belif Almighty Sun POWDER. Yes, it is a Sun POWDER. How fascinating! Needless to say, i got my hands on it right away


I had to borrow the photo from amazon, as ALL my photos were suddenly gone!

Anyways, the packaging was a screw on type. Which i thought was a total pain. I would rather if (like other power products) it would have a flip lid kind of access. The good thing about it though, is that even though it is a screw on lid packaging, they still did include a mirror in the back of the cover. However, i felt that the mirror was rather pointless as it would have been really hard to hold unto the mirror with one hand, hand the powder with another hand and apply the powder at the same time.

That aside, i really loved the product. As it was a powder, it was easy to touch up and easy to bring around everywhere. It did not have much oil controlling properties, but it is a powder afterall, so it can be used to set your make up. The only problem was that it is a white powder, so it leaves a white cast. Not only in flash photography but in natural lighting too.

The product did not break me out in anyways too so that is always a plus. However, as i used this product, i always wondered about how effective it really it. After all, the recommended amount for sun screen is around 1 teaspoon for your face and neck. But how do you know how much you are actually applying if it is in the form of a powder?

My face is extremely sensitive to the sun, so ever since 2 years ago, sun screen was a must for me. But as i was so unsure how much i need to apply, or how effective this product is, i would normally apply it OVER my usual sun screen. Which mattifies my sun screen, and it gives me extra protection (more importantly a peace of mind), but for those of you who do not want to go through the trouble of doing it twice….. i think it is always better to go old school. Apply your cream/ liquid sun screen as per normal. Protect your skin. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

Till then!


Stay safe from them nasty UV

Hug Sun Moisture Milk

4 Aug

Hey all,

a few weeks ago, i was visiting my brothers bakery ( for those of you who loves bread, please check him out ) and right next to his shop was this brand called ‘beyond’ that claimed to be all for eco products, natural ingredients and against animal testing.

Not sure if i mentioned this before, but my favourite Korean cosmetics brand is one called ‘Innisfree’. If you have not tried out their brand give it a go. From what i know, Innisfree is a brand that stands for a healthier earth. So even their products are very friendly, even to the most sensitive of skins. Anyways, since i have moved back to Indonesia, it has been hard trying to find another brand like Innisfree, so when i cam across Beyond, i decided to give the brand a try.

I bought a few things, but the one that i would like to share my opinion on today would be the Hug Sun Moisture Milk.

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Packing is not only cute, it is also small, light and handy to carry around. As the cap is a screw type, it does not seem likely to spill.

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As to why is it called milk…. well… as you can see in the above photos. The texture and appearence is very much like milk. It is white and extremely runny/ liquidy.

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One of the amazing thing about this, is how it does not have any white cast whatsoever, I have another innisfree sun milk that i absolutely adore, but even that leave a white cast. This Zilch, and even in flash, you can see, so white cast whatsoever.

The finish is beautiful, it gives a beautiful sheen, but somehow feels smooth and rather matte on your face. Definitely no sticky feeling. They also claim to be moisturising, though i have my doubts on this. I used it for a few weeks now, and though i do not find this drying, i also do not find it moisturising in anyways. Though if you are like me, 1) living in a hot and humid country and

2) Too effing lazy to put layers and layers of product

3) Have normal/ oily skin

for a everyday sun screen thing, i think this works pretty well as a multitasking moisturiser sun screen.

The most important is how it did not break me out at all. I was actually worried at first as i THOUGHT i saw some kind of sulphur related ingredient in the ingredient list, and as i am allergic to sulphur, i expected to break out. But i guess it must have been either a non active ingredient or the amount must have been really tiny.

All in all, i really did like my new Hug Sun Moisture Milk, did i mention it is 50+ SPF too. That’s just amazing. Beyond might just be a decent brand to explore after all

Till then