Archive | September, 2015

Benefit Dandelion Blush

17 Sep

Hey all,

Last year due to my brother’s graduation, i got a chance to fly to the states, and i decided to head over to Sephora to redeem ALL my beauty points.

At that point, i could redeem Benefit’s Dandelion blush, and so i redeemed like… 3 of the Dandelion blushes?

Had to say, i have only tried Benefit product a few times, but not once have they impressed me.

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Here is what the inside of the blush look like. Typical of Benefit to make their packaging like this. I hate it though. Especially when i travel. I am always worried something might spill and ruin the packaging. Not to mention that it is not exactly easy to close the product. Sometimes it gets stuck and as you can see in the above photos, when you do not close it properly it can get stuck and cause some holes/ indents in your blush. 2015-05-14 00.28.42  2015-05-14 00.29.20

The color on the pan in itself was really pretty! it looked so sweet, soft and natural. Not too glittery and simply perfect. However, when you swatch it, or when you try and apply it with a blush. Pigmentation is a total joke. Either that, or this blush simply wont show on colored girls/ girls that are not as fair as snow white. Such a disappointment, i had to layer it over and over to get even the tiniest bit of color to show.

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Just for comparison, i took blushes from other brands of similar color to compare. From left to right, Zoeva, Benefit and Sleek.

I personally like the Zoeva one best. Not only because it is matte, but also because i think it gives the best color pay off and looks best on my skin. Benefits Dandelion is slightly softer and more pale in comparison to Sleek’s face form blush. However i believe that Dandelion has a more subtle glittery finish. Sleek Face Forms blush not only lacks in terms of the pink/peach pigmentation, it also has an overpowering gold glitter finish.

Ah Zoeva, I am so happy i found you. All your brushes and products have been more than impressive. Cant wait to try them all

Till then,


The Eyeliner Fight Off

8 Sep

Hey all!

As i was cleaning out all my dried out eyeliners the other day, i had a fantastic idea! i decided to collect all the gel pen type eyeliners and compare it to each other.

Here are some of the results i found.

First these are the eye liners that i used and tested.

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From top to bottom it would be


Face Shop

Urban Decay



Tonly Moly


Make Up Forever

Banila and Co.

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Just for the sake of testing, i also went ahead and ‘set’ the right side of the liners, and left the left side untouched.

as you can see, the right side is slightly less shiny and little on the matte side.

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The first test was the rub test. I simply rubbed my hands across to see what would happen. After all, sometimes we do forget about our perfected eyeliner and rub our eyes. From the rub test, i think it would make a big difference if we set out eyeliner and if we dont. As you can see, the left side of my hand ALL smudged abit. That means nasty panda eyes. However, on the right side, the side where i set the eyeliners with the Tarte Smooth Operator Amazonian finishing powder, there was a significant difference. With the exception of Innisfree and Sephora eyeliner, the rest DID NOT smudge. ( though personally, i feel as though the only reason why innisfree smudged was because the liner was too thick. If i had applied a more even layer, i believe it should not have smudged. Or maybe i am just biased cause i love innisfree too much. )

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Next test was the water test! I ran it under water for a minute long to see how it will last! Surprisingly if you just soak it in water, it last decently well. I do not see any difference between the before and after photos.

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That’s when i decided to add another ‘rub’ test after the water test. After all with all that water surrounding us, i am sure there will be some rubbing and wiping involved. And as expected, this test was that much harder. Most of the eyeliners either smudged or came off alittle. The only ones that withstood all that water and rubbing was

  1. Clio
  2. Faceshop
  3. Tony Moly
  4. Banila and co

Of course i am referring to the already ‘set’ eyeliners. For most of the eyeliners that were not ‘set’ had failed during the first rub test.

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For the next  and final test, i decided to use an oil to see how these eyeliners will fare when in contact with oil. And what happens when you do the rub test after in contact with the oil.

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As you can see, the results are nasty. Almost none withstood the test. With the exception of Clio Professional!

Although some fading did occur, it held up the best when it came to all the test, and i would say it held up pretty darn well under those circumstances.

i know that Clio is famous for their long lasting make up products though. I heard not only do their eyeliner last all day, so do their eyebrow pens, their foundation, concealers and even lipsticks have crazy long lasting power. Sadly i have yet to try them all.

It was a surprising find for me, as i was secretly rooting for either faceshop, tony moly or innisfree to win. But hey, you cant argue with the results.

What do you guys think?

What is your favourite eyeliner? and Why?

Till next time!