Archive | December, 2015

Clinique Anti Blemish Solutions

5 Dec

Hey y’all,

i’ve been travelling a bunch this past month, (which explains the delayed post) and my crazy breakouts. All my life, i was lucky enough to never really have much breakout except for the occasional one or two pimples, all this traveling though, oh mann, it was bad. My sister in law even asked me what was wrong, cause in the 6 years she had known me, my skin had neverĀ been that bad. On top of that, i still had to use make up because i had like 5 weddings to attend that trip. And yes, the booze definitely did not help.

Thankfully, my shopaholic habits picked up Clinique Anti Blemish Solutions before i flew off. It was strange, i was not having any breakout then, but i just thought it would be a good idea to have a foundation (or in my case a few foundations) that would be friendly and maybe even help when i do suffer from the occasional outbreak.

Anyways, totally love it! I used it for ALL the weddings, and i looked flawless!


The bottle is tiny for the price, but for what it does, i do think it is well worth the price. The other downside is that it has no pump, you have to squeeze the product out, like a squeeze tube. Which is fine when you still have a ton of product, but i think i will get alittle pissed when i am almost done with the bottle, and I KNOW there is product left, but unable to take it out.

It dries rather quickly, and it dries rather matte. For those of you with dry skin, you might want to stay away. I have combi skin, so it takes awhile for my oils to come out and make the foundation look flawless. This is a very strange foundation to be honest. The first 20 minutes after application, it looks like a cakey patchy mess, (unless of course you have oily skin, then i think this will look great from the get go) but as the day goes by, it just gets better and better. The staying power is no joke too. I think the product just grabs unto your skin and stays through all the heat and sweat and humidity. The color looks awesome on me too, it is my exact color, but a tone brighter, so i look as though i am glowing. I would say it does not have the best oil control, but i think it is exactly what i need. I cant imagine putting powder on top of this product, it would be so very drying. At the end of the day, it is not as though i feel like a grease ball either, in fact, i think the natural oils on my face mixed with the product makes me look as though i am naturally glowing.

As for acne fighting properties go, i really do not think it helped at all. I think bare minerals blemish remedy would be a much better alternative if you want an acne combating foundation. However, the Clinique Anti blemish solutions did not make my acne worse either, it wasn’t further irritated or inflamed, which i think was what i was looking for in the beginning.

Ah, i cant believe all my traveling for the year is coming to an end soon. Australia was such an AMAZING place. The people were friendly and nice, the place was BEAUTIFUL. I am having such bad withdrawal symptoms now.


Till then!