Archive | February, 2016

Maybelline Dream Liquid Mousse

1 Feb

Hey all,

It is February!!! Chinese new year is just around the corner, my excuse to buy more make up and to play dress up

I am not exactly a foundation lover. Simply cause it takes too much effort to apply. I like my one step tinted moisturizer or bb creams/ cc creams.

However, there are those nights where you have to look flawless, and rumor has it, when it comes to flash photography, one should always avoid SPF (though there are also a ton of videos online proofing this to be false, but you know, just to be on the safe side).

I would just like to say, THIS IS AMAZING. I have always known that there are tons of gold hiding amongst all the drugstore range, but i was really pleasantly surprised. The texture felt really thick at first, it was very creamy and i was worried that it would feel heavy on the skin. But it blended out nicely. I did not even have to use any brush or make up sponge. I simply used my hands, and the product kind of melted into my skin.

The coverage i believe is medium, and even though you can build it up to a full coverage. I think it looks nicer if you use a high coverage concealer instead. Due to the creaminess of the product, building it up too thick makes it look unnatural.

I loved the fact that it was scentless too. And it had a pump where you can twist open and close. HOW PERFECT. Why cant all foundations have this pump. It will make  dispensing the product such a breeze. The only issue i had with the packaging was that it was made out of glass. I am an extremely clumsy person, i lost count how many times i dropped this foundation. Everytime i dropped it, it feels like i am getting a mini heart attack, but i am happy to announce that the glass seems strong enough to withstand a few drops. The glass also makes it that tad bit heavier, which is a nada for travelling.

i’ve been trying out a few maybelline products, and so far, i’ve been nothing but pleasantly surprised. Let me test them out alitte longer before sharing my thoughts on them with you


Till then,